About Us

The Mohawk Amateur Radio Club is a greater Gardner group of amateur radio operators with a wide range of interests. As a club we strive to achieve the following:

  • Encourage and assist individuals getting their amateur radio license.
  • Provide a source of mentoring and assistance with technical and operating skills.
  • Meet at regular monthly meetings as well as social events throughout the year.
  • Participate in amateur radio activities such as contesting or Field Day as well as public service events.

We have regular monthly meetings held on the 4th Monday of the month at 7:00 PM, currently held at the Gardner Police Headquarters, 200 Main St, Gardner, MA and online, where we discuss club activities and business of the month. Most meetings are usually accompanied by an interesting guest speaker or presentation on various amateur radio topics. We also have an active Google Group and Facebook site to keep in touch between meetings. Beyond online communication we have several repeaters operated by the club for ‘on the go’ and instant communication as only amateur radio can provide.